Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In some countries of the world children don’t have the same rights as us. I think everyone should have good care like we do at Nelson Central School. Some countries don’t have enough mosquito nets for everyone. Sometimes people have to die from malaria and every 30 seconds a child dies from malaria.

We have been learning about the children of Kroo Bay. Kroo Bay is a slum community in Africa. In Kroo Bay not everyone has good medical care because there is not enough medicine for people to survive.

In Kroo Bay they have a river but it floods with rubbish because it is polluted. They put sandbags on the side of the river to stop it from flowing through their houses.

Save the children helps children all over the world. I would like to buy the mosquito net from the Save the Children Wish List. It will save children’s lives.

So tell your friends and family to buy something from the S
ave the Children Wish List. It will change children’s lives.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Make a Fossil

Fossils are and unique very expensive to buy.

If you would like to make one you will need:


Plaster of Paris,

A bit of bendy wire,


Black paint,

An old cloth,

Gold spray paint,

A small plastic container.

Here is how to make a fossil.

First press clay in your container about 1½cm thick.

Next press your shells in your clay and take them out.

After that twist a piece of bendy wire into a loop.

Then ask a parent to mix plaster of Paris and pour it

on your clay with the loop.

Now you have to wait for a couple of weeks. When it’s dry, push it out of your container and dry the top.

A few days after that spray paint it gold then let it dry for two days.

Finally paint it black and gently rub the black paint off.